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Speeds:  7 Fast Side / 4 Slow Side


This is the one that started it all for Bagdaddys.  The "X"over (formerly known as the c....over) is back, and just as good as it always was.  The Xover has graced the hands of Bobby Fink Jr, Devon Harbaugh and many othe elite level players in its time.  Its thick, slow, full of action and simply a royal pain in the a$$ to play against when used appropriately.  Dont let all these "new" imitations on the market fool you.  It takes special attention to detail to make this bag, with this carpet, the right way.....the respectful way.....the way it deserves to be made in order for it to play up to its full potential.  Buy it, learn it, appreciate what it is......and your game will never be the same.

XOVER - Solid Series

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